Psychometric properties of a self-perception questionnaire for adults with suspected misophonia
Castillo, Benjamín J.
Muñoz-Quezada, María T.
Lucero, Boris A.
Misophonia is a disorder of decreased tolerance to specific sounds or stimuli associated with such sounds, called triggers. The aim was to validate a questionnaire on self-perception of the type of sound, visual identification, and origin of sounds in adults with suspected misophonia by Spanish-speaking people. An interview was conducted with a total of 395 participants, divided into four distinct blocks of questions: the trigger of misophonia, the visual identification of gestures or actions related to selective sounds, the emotional closeness between listener and sender, and the impact on the daily personal relationships of the person with misophonia. Each block used classical test theory to factorially validate the instrument. The first group of questions gave as a result four factors: mouth and throat sounds, environmental sounds, material sounds, and pronunciation sounds (Cronbach’s alpha = .929; KMO = 0.894). The second group identified two dimensions of reaction to actions and gestures, one related to movements of the mouth and throat and the second to body movements or exaggerated gesticulation (Cronbach’s alpha = .840; KMO = 0.819). The third block linked low and high emotional closeness factors (Cronbach’s alpha = .690; KMO = 0.633). The fourth block obtained a factor for daily chores and another for affective relationships (Cronbach’s alpha = .861; KMO = 0.820). The questionnaire offers valuable insights into the nature of misophonia, and the necessity for further research in this field. These findings emphasize the importance of developing a comprehensive understanding of misophonia to enhance diagnosis.
SAGE Open, 14(4), 1-15Link de Acceso
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