Artificial intelligence in mathematics education: a systematic review

Panqueban, Darlis
Huincahue, Jaime
[Objective] This study aims to analyze the current state of research on artificial intelligence (AI) in mathematics education, its applications, and its role in teaching and learning processes. [Methodology] A systematic review of the literature was conducted in three stages: identification, selection, and inclusion of articles from three recognized databases, resulting in 29 articles. These articles were thoroughly analyzed to identify participants, instruments used, the country of the authors' affiliation, year of publication, type of research, methodological approach, and the role of AI in these studies. [Results] There is a noticeable increase in research related to AI in mathematics education, with most studies being empirical and quantitative. The most frequently used instruments are questionnaires and interviews, with half of the studies employing at least two data collection instruments. Additionally, most studies focused on intelligent learning systems to enhance learning and support teaching, particularly for online assessment. [Conclusions] The reviewed articles show no evidence of research at the early childhood education level and very little related to teacher training. Few studies demonstrate the use of theoretical frameworks or approaches from the Didactics of Mathematics.
Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-17Link de Acceso
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